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FAQ Page

Monster and Me Reborn: Starting the Game FAQ

1. Troubleshooting the Client
a- Invalid ID or Password
b- Cannot open AVI file
c- Server Failed: Cannot run game
d- Connecting to server takes too long
e- Invisible/Lingering menu windows
f- Black Screen
g- ā€œFailed to set up Shopā€ (NPC vendor)
h- Error after switching maps (after playing/battling)

1a- Invalid ID or Password
This error is caused by an incorrect password or invalid login. However, please be advised that sometimes this may be a result of a server-side synchronization. If you have the correct password and ID and can login to the main website, then it is a problem with the gameā€™s sync manager. If this is the situation then please contact us so we may assist and alleviate the problem.

1b- Cannot open AVI file
This error is caused by a compatibility issue. To fix this:
Right click play.exe > Properties > Compatibility > Run this program in compatibility mode for: > Windows XP (Service pack 2).
Please note that you may revert this change after you have successfully completed creating your character.
1c- Server Failed: Cannot run game
This error is caused by an outdated auto patch file. To fix this please download the latest version of the autopatch.ini and play.exe via: https://discord.gg/74NvCmV

1d- Connecting to server takes too long
This error is caused by play.exe being quarantined by an anti-virus application. Additionally, you may want to ensure that you are running the latest version of the game (reference 1c- for additional information on acquiring autopatch.ini/play.exe game files).

1e- Invisible/Lingering menu windows
This phenomenon may occur from running the game in an outdated compatibility mode. This happens rarely now with the current build of the game client, but if you find it still happens you may change the compatibility mode of play.exe to Windows 7/Windows 10.

1f- Black Screen
This isnā€™t so much of an error but more a phenomenon. Being an older game (current alpha build of the game) you will experience some issues; this is one of said issues. To fix, move your character using the ā€œwalkā€ function along the screen, eventually this may clear the screen. Additionally, you may move around the game using HLHL-Reborn and engaging in battles. This ā€œerrorā€ can fix itself if you allow enough time/game functions to transpire. Worst case scenario, relogging will cause this to disappear as well.

1g- ā€œFailed to set up shopā€ (NPC Vendor)
This error is caused by an outdated item.data file. HLHL-Reborn has its own item.data file and it is possible that installing this over a current (live) version of the game will revert the file to an outdated one. To fix this error you can update your game again (force update) or acquire a copy of a current item.data file (via https://discord.gg/74NvCmV).

1h- Error after switching maps (after playing/battling)
This is a common occurrence in the current build of the game (open alpha) as the game has a threshold of map movements/battles. A simple relog can fix this, though it will happen after an elongated period.

Please be advised that there may be more issues that the Staff has not addressed yet but will work to ensure quality gameplay. As issues present themselves and are fixed this list will be updated. We are currently in open Alpha and working on an improved game client!

Thank you for joining our community. We hope to see you in game!
-Your Monster and Me Staff